Análisis del comportamiento de transformadores con conexión SCOTT para la alimentación de cargas típicas de electro movilidad
Tarapues Paspuel, Alex Omar
This research proposes the analysis of
the transformer with Scott connection
feeding electro-mobile loads, and a
comparison with other transformers
commonly used in railway systems, for
the analysis of the behavior in different
types of scenarios, therefore, each of the
transformers, scenarios and the electro mobile load using the MATLAB Simulink digital tool, with the objective
of visualizing the behavior of the primary
currents of the transformers before low
impedance faults in the same way of high
impedance, the fault current in each one
of its phases of the transformer secondary,
likewise the voltage unbalance factor for
each transformer is determined due to the
load unbalance and the effect on the
currents and voltages of the primary of
each transformer. The harmonic analysis
and the THD index that the electro-mobile
loads inject to each of the transformers.