Desarrollo de un nuevo prototipo para la construcción de interfaces de la página web
Aguilar Barros, Álvaro Alexander
Jaramillo Naranjo, Germán Arturo
A few years ago, all digital products, platforms or technologies (blogs, wikis, podcasts, social networks, search engines, corporate pages, online stores, video broadcasting platforms, forums, educational platforms, etc.) were proposed as web 2.0 that are being flexibly adopted by internet users. Some informative or journalistic content websites such as The New York Times, The Boston Globe, CNN or Deutsche Welle (DW), give us an idea of this change to a multimedia format, with visual interfaces being part of a new way of understanding the information that comes from the traditional media. The objective of the development of this product is to show -through a methodology of Design Thinking, the effectiveness with which a scheme is developed with multimedia resources adapted to a web format and how it affects usability within the site The conclusions of this research will serve to provide fundamental data about the structure with which the design of information is constructed from an audiovisual medium to web supports and, achieve a significant improvement in the experience of users who browse this site with quality of the information presented.