Conversión de un sistema eléctrico monofásico a trifásico balanceado mediante elementos pasivos como alternativa para energización de equipos
Masabanda Pinza, Bruno Fabricio
The purpose of this work is to simulate a converter scheme to provide a three-phase
voltage system from a single-phase electrical system. To accomplish this, different
scenarios of loading have been carried out to understand its capabilities. This converter
could be used to provide energy for areas where there is a lack of three-phase
electrification networks. The circuit is made up of capacitors, inductors, and transformers,
all passive elements.
With the help of the MATLAB software Simulink, a series of simulations with
different types of load are carried out to study its behavior. These loads were nominal
resistive load, non-nominal resistive loads, mixed resistive and inductive load with a
lagging power factor of 0.8, and mixed resistive and capacitive load with a leading power
factor of 0.8. Results show no matter which reactive loads are used, there is no possibility
of balanced operation within the original configuration.
Same unbalancing results are obtained when attempting to feed non-nominal resistive
loads. A balanced three-phase-system operation only is possible by serving a resistive
nominal load tune in with the converters parameters.