Análisis y evaluación del impacto de los ciberataques en adolescentes de 12 a 17 años de la ciudad de Quito utilizando herramientas Open Source en escenarios virtuales controlados y plantear un protocolo para la mitigación a los ciberataques
Torres Sarango, William Xavier
This document consists of analyzing the
impact the cyberattacks on adolescents
between 12 and 17 years old in the city of
Quito. For this, different free-use tools known
as Open Source will be used within a
controlled environment. To collect the
information required within the study, a survey
is carried out using technological means due to
flexibility, speed in obtaining results and ease
of use. It is proposed to carry out the laboratory
with an email account and a fictitious user
account created in a social network, which
allows the development of each of the steps
that cyber attackers take to steal data from
possible victims. Based on articles 178,180
and 212, pages 29, 30 and 34 of the COIP. In
this way, information leakage will be avoided,
and the rights of the adolescents surveyed will
not be violated. After that, with the results, the
analysis, and tabulation of the information
collected in the survey of adolescents, it is proposed to design and implement a protocol
for mitigating possible cyberattacks. The same
one that will be divided into different guides;
two of these documents will be directed to
general society and people involved in the
protection of adolescents; and the other two
proposed documents are aimed at the ICT staff
of educational institutions, for their respective
analysis and implementation of protocols.