Automatización del llenado de botellas y control de calidad de su corona aplicado a la empresa AVERNO
Toctaguano Velásquez, Oscar Rubén
The objective of this project is to implement an automatic isobaric bottle filling system and
crown quality control, to obtain a product that complies the quality and safety characteristics,
also increase the efficiency of the filling process. This will be achieved with the optimization
of times in the supervision of the crown bottles and in the filling. A bibliographic analysis on
crown control and bottle filling processes was necessary, it was chosen like the best option
for control the analysis of images by artificial vision, and isobaric filling that guarantees the
organoleptic properties of the final product, it was considered as base the parameters
established in the manual filling of the company. In addition, an analysis of the components
that could be implemented that will allow the isobaric filling process to be carried out was
considered. Once the parameters of all the elements that will be part of the equipment have
been established, the design and construction of the system will proceed, was related the
power stage and the control stage, after which tests will be carried out with several repetitions
to validate the operation of the system, and achieve the objectives set, as well as establish the
optimal operating conditions of the system.