Elaboración de un plan estratégico de comunicación para La Fundación C.A. Positivo
Ruiz Barrera, María Elena
This article addresses the development of an integral communication plan for the C.a positivo
foundation, where structural problems in the areas of communication and institutional
organization amongst human, economic and temporary resources are diagnosed. Thus,
communication strategies will be generated to improve communication circuits and flows of
organization through the application of a planning matrix in order to acknowledge the internal
and external reality of the foundation.
In regard to these premises, I present the research question: what effects will a
communication plan have on the development of projects and processes of the C.a positivo
foundation? As a result, it will improve internal communication processes, so that the
members of the foundation, its directors, and people who serve as volunteers are able to
enhance the institutional service management and support oncology patients and their
Furthermore, through this communication research, the use of the CAME matrix, and other
exploratory tools, the oncology patients of Cotopaxi province, Pujilí city, will have access to
better health services; therefore, they will transform their quality of life with the
psychological, recreational, legislative, judicial, and economic support of C.a positivo