Firma digital, emisión y notificación de comprobantes electrónicos del SRI para pymes y micropymes.
Romero Montenegro, Gianela
Espín Velásquez, Erich David
The system “Digital Signature, Issue and Notice of Electronic Vouchers of SRI for Pymes and Micropymes " developed in this thesis project aims to small and medium companies that must comply with the new tax regulations, allows the necessary procedures for the electronic vouchers issuance, digital signature and validation required by the SRI .
A web environment for the system was developed under the programming languages Php and framework Laravel 4 using the programming tool Sublime Text 2.0.2. The development of the digital signature was performed using Java programming language and the Netbeans version 7 programming tool.
This system is a solution for small and medium companies that do not have sufficient financial resources to acquire or develop a tool for issuing electronic vouchers.