Evaluación de estado del equipamiento de protección, control y fuerza de la draga Amaluza I de la presa Daniel Palacios de la Unidad de Negocios CELEC SUR
Ordóñez Peñaloza, Joel Alejandro
This thesis project consists of the evaluation of the control, protection, and measurement systems of the dredger Amaluza I. It also focuses on the detailed analysis of information on the failures that have occurred in the different systems, equipment, and components of the dredger and the work orders carried out in them. Once the information on the existing faults obtained from the systems has been compiled, an analysis will be carried out to determine the degree of obsolescence of the equipment; considering the availability of spare parts, technical support, and the current existence or non-existence of its manufacture. Finally, the condition evaluation of the dredger Amaluza I equipment is presented, such as the age, physical condition, installed technology, operating restrictions, maintenance requirements, and data quality. This is because the Dredger’s operating equipment has been in operation for 31 years.