Mejora del margen de estabilidad de tensión en sistemas de potencia basado en la ubicación óptima de SVC
Guascal Reinoso, Alex Mauricio
The ongoing investigation describes the logical procedure to improve the voltage stability margin in power systems based on the optimal location of SVC devices, for which the system is divided into control areas, analyzing the sensitivity matrix, applying the criteria electric distance and an unsupervised learning technique (K-Means), obtaining areas that are weakly coupled to each other. The location of SVC in all the bars of the resulting areas implies a very high cost, which is why an optimal location is proposed based on the optimization of the cost associated with the installation of the SVC device at each node of the system, achieving a redirection of power flow with as few devices as possible. The method is suitable for IEEE 30, 14 and 9 bar demonstration models in order to verify its effectiveness, using the GAMS software and later DIgSILENT for the comparison of results. The SVC devices are optimally located in each control area, minimizing costs, improving voltage profiles, as well as their angles, real power and reactive power are redistributed to improve the stability range of the voltage profiles.