Diseño e implementación de un robot autónomo móvil usando tecnología FPGA.
Ramírez Rivera, Roberto Fernando
Reyes Pérez, Roberto Carlo
The thesis work was carried out based on the universe of robotics, designing and implementing an Autonomous Mobile Robot with FPGA technology, technology-based embedded systems development, systems allowing to create reconfigurable control and acquisition data, without knowing more complex design languages, enabling environment more user-friendly programming optimizing time. FPGA NI sbRIO-9631 card developed by National Instruments, is the controller of the mobile autonomous robot system, this card allows you to design any type of application that requires flexibility, high performance and reliability, the card works based on two programming modules, LabVIEW FPGA and LabVIEW Real Time, allows to develop the first FPGA VIs using a local build server running on Windows, so LabVIEW implements the code in hardware, the second used to create and debug different applications being developed on remote systems in real time for the robot 8 practices that demonstrate the functionality, reliability and performance of this technology, designed based on their degree of complexity in the acquisition and control of data were developed, these practices were conducted with various sensors in combination with various devices such as network camera that can process images and differentiate colors within the environment in which the mobile robot moves.