Funcionamiento de una antena bocina (Horn) con base de microstrip mediante la variación de su apertura en banda de ondas milimétricas
Gómez Guamán, Javier Marcelo
Recalde Gavilánez, Samanta Dayana
This document presents the design of a microstrip base
antenna with a reflector horn subjected to various measurements,
shapes and material modifications in its reflectors by means of
simulation software. With the variation of the reflectors, several
simulations were carried out to determine their influence on the
dispersion parameters, radiation pattern and resonance frequency
for their operation in the millimeter wave band, with the results
obtained an analysis of the behavior of the antennas was carried
out. subject to such variations in the ANSYS HFSS software. The
best design of the microstrip base antenna with a reflector horn in
the direction of the center of the radiation space was determined,
the reflectors have a dimension of 5mm, rectangular shape and
with iron material which presented a result of: reflection
coefficient -19, 46 dB, VSWR of 1.86 at a frequency of 60 GHz,
these parameters meet the best performance for the operation of
the antenna.