Implementación de sistema para restaurantes para gestión de pedidos y facturación electrónica (ambiente móvil & sistema administrable desde una PC.
Espinosa Rivas, Roberto Carlos
León Quiñonez, Juan Carlos
Ecuador's situation today demands that incorporate mandatory for all taxpayers so electronic invoicing, one of the main objectives of the government of President Rafael Correa's contribution to an ecological practice more responsibly characterized by reducing the use of paper, which means a significant savings in resources and time in order to maintain greater control over taxpayers.
Currently there is already a lot of companies that have joined the scheme for issuing electronic documents, according to what described in Resolution No. NAC-DGERCGC14-00366, official register 257 of May 30, 2014 the obligation for taxpayers administered restaurants started from January 1, 2015 with all special taxpayers must issue electronic vouchers mandatory as scheduling box found on the website of the regulator SRI.
The application for order management, billing and subsequent issuance and reporting of Electronic vouchers for restaurants SRI was developed, the thesis project must conform to the tax legislation will allow the completion of the necessary procedures for the issuance, signature and immediate validation of electronic vouchers which are required by the IRS.
The application is the solution for restaurants that do not have sufficient capital for acquisition or development tool for issuing electronic vouchers.