Análisis de los factores socioeconómicos que inciden en el rezago escolar de la educación secundaria.
Barrionuevo Montalvo, Hugo Patricio
The objective of this scientific article was to know the influence of socioeconomic factors on the school lag of
students with unfinished schooling of the Virtual Baccalaureate, since, within the educational system of
Ecuador, the educational lag has evolved since “2008 with 17, 3% until 2019 with 9.2%. In other words, over
11 years the educational gap decreased by 8.1% ”(INEC, 2018, p. 8). On the other hand, for the fulfillment of
the objective, a methodology based on a descriptive scope was followed to collect statistical information on
socioeconomic factors such as: economic factors, social factors and demographic factors that influence
secondary education through the application of surveys to The virtual high school students for people with
unfinished schooling, among the main findings were the dropouts are caused by economic factors, family and
teachers; confirm submissions; The results obtained from the analysis answer most of the questions posed in
the study, and satisfy the proposal of describing the causes and factors related to the dropout objectives.