Estrategias mediáticas de las campañas electorales de Abdalá Bucaram de 1988, 1992 y 1996, estudio de caso: Publicaciones en el diario El Universo
Reinoso Viteri, Doris Michelle
Toledo Zapata, Paúl Alejandro
This academic article is part of the study of the media strategies of the political propaganda of former president Abdalá Bucaram, who in turn participated three times in a row in the presidential elections of 1988, 1992 and 1996; however, it is in 1996 that Bucaram became president of Ecuador. In order to carry out this study, qualitative research with a descriptive approach was used, in addition to a bibliographic compilation based on the eleven principles of the propaganda of Joseph Goebbels and the media strategies used during the preparation and execution of the electoral campaigns of former President Abdullah Bucaram The main findings show that 72.72% of the 1988 campaign, that is to say, the first political campaign of former president Abdalá Bucaram coincides with the principles of Goebbels propaganda, while the next two campaigns, 1992 and 1996 do not reach 50 % similarity with mentioned principles.