Repotenciación de la plataforma inércial del laboratorio de control automático utilizando controladores pid y fuzzy a través de matlab/simulink.
Jara Loaiza, William Andrés
Chalacán Aguayo, Vicente Daniel
The paper aims to conduct a practice guide with the inertial platform using pid and fuzzy controllers in matlab software. considering the existence of new electronic resources, a reengineering is carried out on the proposed platform of 2015, which led to some mechanical and electronic improvements. the communication between the inertial platform and the computer is carried out by means of the due arduino board that allows the control of the movement of the servo motors and the reading of data from the touch screen in matlab / simulink. communication between the arduino due and the touch screen is carried out with a program developed on the arduino nano board. the mathematical modeling of the plant is carried out with the identification tool "systemidentification" or ident typical of matlab software. the acquisition of data from the platform is essential to obtain the transfer functions that describe the entire system. the transfer functions are obtained separately one on each axis, facilitating the identification and therefore the control of the plant. in this way there is a general mimo system consisting of two siso systems.