Diseño y construcción de una máquina semi-automática selladora de cajas de cartón hasta 50x50x60 cm con sistema de cierre automático para las solapas superiores
Arequipa Olalla, Emilio Ricardo
Coque Paucarima, Augusto Vinicio
It starts with the study and necessary concepts, seal process, main parts, and formulas that can use to design the machine, as well as alternative analysis for structure. Now it will made a fundamental study about the running machine, it let us to design several parts of it, this project has requirements such as: load, efforts to bear, adequate performance and function.
And according it can design the mechanical and structural elements.
After that, it can do several tests, taking into account both steps to be performed, the automatic block of the upper flaps following by seal the box to top and bottom. Next the analysis and necessary tests it can design the mechanical machine taking into functional and efficient aspects of it. Finally an overview of all costs incurred to obtain the value of the investment in the design and construction of the machine through economic analysis is performed.