Desarrollo de una bobinadora concéntrica semi automática para la reparación de motores eléctricos de baja tensión para la empresa SIEM
Vargas Quinaluisa, Gonzalo Ramiro
The error rate in the repair of low voltage electric motors by technicians is high due to the fact that technicians lack the necessary conditions to supervise the number of turns, distance and adjustment that occurs in a winding since these directly influence the functionality and proper development of electric motors. The SIEM company does not have elements to measure, record and control the winding in real time, which directly affect the repair of the motors, suffering material and production losses. A Mitsubishi PLC and an HMI were used for programming, which fulfill the functions of locally inspecting the data acquired by the sensor placed on the winding machine.
For the design, the model of a winding machine of the SAMATIC brand was taken into account, which is complete and has characteristics that allow rewinding in addition to motors, transformers, inductors and chokes, it also allows selecting the number of conductor with which is going to work, that is why starting from the principle of operation of this machine and with the equipment that the SIEM company has, it is established that a machine with different characteristics can be developed but that when winding a motor, it does not present losses of material, the resistance will be the desired one and finally the time that is used in the realization of the same will be much less than the time that it takes to make the same coil with the artisanal method