Análisis comparativo de la privacidad de los datos exclusivamente en la transmisión hacia las plataformas de IoT más utilizadas
Chango Tonato, Jenny Gabriela
The present research aims to compare the security of
data transmitted from IoT devices such as ESP32 to
different platforms such as Blynk, Firebase, and ThingSpeak.
For this purpose, software tools such as EtterCap
from WiFislax were used to carry out the attacks and
Wireshark to capture the traffic simultaneously when
carrying out the attacks on each of the connections
from the ESP32 hardware with their respective
DHT22 temperature and humidity sensors. Attacks
between the ESP32 and the wireless router.
The results were that the most secure connection is
that of the devices to Firebase and the one that
presents vulnerabilities was the connection to
In conclusion, the research shows that the most
secure connection to the 4 platforms is Firebase and
the most insecure was that of ThingSpeak.