Diseño y construcción de una máquina prototipo, para rehabilitación de muñeca con esguince de grado 1, mediante el control de movimientos asistidos
Sánchez Paredes, Diego Armando
In the present graduation work, we present the design and construction of a prototype machine
that serves to perform the rehabilitation of a grade one wrist sprain; this machine focuses on the
For the design and construction of the prototype, we start with the study of the physiology of
the wrist, and the degrees of injuries to establish the main characteristics that the equipment
must have to allow a correct rehabilitation. With the study of the theoretical basis, 3 alternatives
are proposed for the design of the wrist rehabilitator.
Through the design and simulation in SolidWorks of each of the parts of the machine, the safety
factor is obtained that will allow knowing the feasibility for the construction of the prototype,
with the materials selected in the study of alternatives.
To verify the operation of the controllers in the rehabilitator prototype, performance tests are
carried out by varying the angle for the flexo- extension and adduction-abduction movements,
with and without load, to determine the errors in the stable state, the rise time and establishment