"Implementación de una máquina de prototipado rápido de modelado por deposición fundidad de bajo costo basada en el proyecto Replicant Rapid Prototyper (REPRAP) para el laboratorio de fabricación de la UPS Sede Quito - Campus Sur"
Pastuña Guanoluisa, Jorge Wladimir
Jaramillo Suárez, Edwin Geovanny
Considering that one of the many areas in the implementation of different types of concurrent design practices for students in the career of Electronic Engineering corresponds to the rapid prototyping to create three-dimensional models as finished goods, the implementation of a mechatronic system in laboratory manufacturing UPSQ-SUR, which integrates several areas of mechanical engineering, electronics, control and information, forming a synergy leading to an automated machine that meets the technical needs and requirements of a rapid prototyping machine that technique applies fused deposition modeling, which manufactures a computer piece designed in full scale by extrusion ABS polymer layers and positioning a tool (extruder) in three dimensions.
The proposed methodology includes the analysis process and implementation of the printer, taking into account the variables and techniques necessary for machine response regarding the surface finish of the piece, print time, emergency stops, including for and thus fulfill the objectives of this project.
The goals achieved respond to the implementation of three-dimensional positioning system, a component for the extrusion of the material, the selection of sensors and actuators and the determination of the control system, meeting the specific characteristics of movement for delivering software response modeling through conversion of the CAD model code stereo lithography (STL) and finally G code, from which it responds to the position coordinates and dosing characteristics. The extruder is analyzed and selected in consideration of the properties of a thermoplastic polymer to melt and deposit layer to layer during manufacture of the prototype. The system is governed by an Arduino platform for programming and integration of components. The implemented machine has allowed assessing compliance with performance specifications and determine the characteristics of integrated extrusion tool dimensional positioning.