Situación educativa de la población con discapacidad múltiple. Caso de estudio: discapacidad intelectual profunda y física con énfasis en el rol de la familia.
Betancourt Machoa, Elizabeth Geoconda
This investigation analyzed the educational situation of people with multiple disabilities, as a
study case the profound intellectual and physical disability with emphasis on the role of the
family. The purpose of this project was to examine the 10-year-old student’s educational
situation with profound intellectual and physical disability to describe his educational
profile. By this manner, it was possible to identify the required supports and adjustments
through the perspective of the functional educational evaluation model. By using the
obtained results from the PIAR and SOCIEVEN files taken to the child's parents, teachers
and other involved family members, an educational plan proposal, focused on the needs of
the student with multiple disabilities and the family, was presented. The document is
distributed as follows: Problem describes the context of multiple disabilities in order to know
its importance and to estimate the scope of this project. Theoretical Framework presents
definitions and information related to multiple disabilities, meanwhile, the Methodology
explains the research methods and techniques, besides the utilized information gathering
instruments to carry out this investigation. The Analysis of Results describes and analyzes
the information from the evaluation instruments, and the Presentation of Findings reveals the
interpretation of the results, indicating the greatest importance aspects. Finally, related
Conclusions to the obtained results are presented, and Recommendations to consider for
future projects related to it are shown.