Situación educativa de la población con discapacidad múltiple: estudio de caso: discapacidad física e intelectual
Naranjo Gaybor, María Paulina
This document deals with the educational situation of a girl with a physical and intellectual
disability, called multiple disabilities, which is the sum of two or more disabilities in the same
person, who is diminished in her capacity within the educational environment, due to the
inexperience of some professionals in education, ignoring the rights to equal training.
This research allows us to know the academic profile and the characteristics of the current
situation of the educational process in search of reasonable accommodations that match the
needs of the student based on the functional evaluation from the case study.
The methodology used in this work is based on qualitative and descriptive research, which
allows to have a general vision of the individual under study answering the research questions
through the use of tools such as: surveys, interviews, PIAR cards, and the evaluation of
Socieven, carried outs to the representatives of the person under study, five regular education
professionals and one technical professional.
The main results were that the individual needs support focused on social practices that enhance
their self-esteem and cognitive development by strengthening the motor area.
The research conclusion is that the inclusive education must be analyzed from a functional
approach eliminating barriers in search of a quality education.