Biodiversidad y calidad de agua mediante el estudio de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en la quebrada “Las Lanzas ” cantón Rumiñahui, provincia de Pichincha
Cisneros Zurita, Johanna Pamela
In the present study, the quality of water will be prolonged through macroinvertebrates as
bio indicators in the town of Cuendina-Sanchez in the Amaguaña sector in the “Las Lanzas”
stream so that four sampling points were identified in the area of interest where the respective
samplings were carried out with their ten repetitions for each point using the D-net network
,”in situ” samples were taken from each point to analyze: pH, Conductivity, Turbidity, Total
Solids, Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen ; after which macroinvertebrate samples were taken to
the GADMUR laboratory and to the Salesian Polytechnic University laboratory
(physicochemical parameters); In the Municipality of Rumiñahui, the cleaning and
identification of the macroinvertebrate was analyzed for each sampling point ,obtaining P1
(421 individuals), P2 (386 individuals), P3 (303 individuals), P4 (204 individuals). The
macroinvertebrate that obtains the greatest amount in the four points is the Family of Diptera
such as Chironomidae, they were very abundant since they are tolerable to contamination. The
Shannon-Wiener index was demonstrated in P1, P2, P3 have low diversity of
macroinvertebrates in P4 has medium diversity; The Simpson index in the four sampling points,
less biodiversity of macroinvertebrates was obtained; the ETP index in the four points, the poor
water quality was obtained since in the results they cameo ut with a total of 0%. The
BMWP/Col index in P1, P3 gave us the result that the water is heavily contaminated, P2
indicates that the water is highly contaminated an P4 we have the result that the water is
doubtful; The ABI index in P1 and P3 the range of the index establishes that the water is in a
critical state, while in P2 and P4 the water is doubtful.