Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil que permita la recopilación automática de datos relacionados con imperfecciones en la calzada para el Distrito Metropolitano de Quito
Guevara Guamán, Bryan Fabián
Jiménez Ledesma, Jonathan Rafael
This document presents the development of a computer system that is made up of a mobile
application and a web application, where the mobile section will be in charge of automatically
capturing and recording data that are related to the possible existence of damage to the roads,
making use of the hardware resources of mobile devices such as the accelerometer and GPS,
helping the user to interact as little as possible with the mobile application, on the other hand,
the web section will have the purpose that users can have access free to the data collected, to
view the records and with the option to download the data for analysis.
The data collection in this project focuses on the roads of the city of Quito DM, all this with the
purpose of delimiting the geographical space for a better data collection when entering the
testing phase of the application.
The construction of this computer system allows users to use one of the most common assets
today, such as smart mobile devices, so that resources can be optimized, that is, obtain good
results with the greatest efficiency when it comes to collect the data while the user drives their