Proyecto de apoyo psicopedagógico para estudiantes con dificultades de aprendizaje que cursan la educación básica media en una Escuela Particular de la zona norte del distrito metropolitano de Quito, año lectivo 2021-2022
Velasteguí Arcos, Melanie Paola
Villalba Mancero, Kimberlly Micaela
The thesis presented here is the result of an intervention proposal for psycho-pedagogical support within the framework of elementary education in a private school in the Northern Zone of the Metropolitan District of Quito; The objective of the project is to reduce the rate of learning difficulties among the children attending the school. The methodology used was participatory, in which all those involved in the problems presented by the children were consulted. Likewise, a mixed research approach was applied, with a descriptive and cross-sectional scope and a descriptive scope.
It also had a transversal cut since the data necessary for the evaluation were collected at a single specific moment, allowing the optimization of resources and the direct calculation of the prevalence of the problem addressed. Therefore, the instruments used to collect the information were: an interview with the psychologist in charge of the school's middle sub-level and surveys conducted through the google forms platform to 5 teachers of 5th, 6th and 7th grades, and a documentary review in the database to identify the index of students who present learning difficulties.
The intervention period was developed for 2 months, whose implementation allowed a decrease in the rate of children with learning difficulties especially at dyslexia and dyscalculia. Thus, throughout the intervention, it was possible to note a remarkable progress in each of the sessions.