Sistema de detección de niveles de dióxido de carbono (co2) dentro de la cabina simulada de un vehículo utilizando comunicación LoRa WAN
Lara Ponce, María Guadalupe
Galarza Romero, Gabriel Reynaldo
The objective of this project is to design and implement a CO2 level detection system inside the simulated cabin of a vehicle using LoRaWAN communication, in order to prevent people from inhaling polluting gases. The prototype is capable of detecting high levels of concentration in real time, generating a notification that will be emitted by a web application to the user.
There are several technologies that work in first-hand with the internet of things that have a long-range transmission as a functionality, large amounts of wireless connections to be implemented in a certain area, for this reason it is shown that LoRa/LoRaWAN technology has a great advantage within wireless technologies.
Through a Gateway, it is intended to collect all the information acquired by means of the CO2 sensor placed inside the car in conjunction with the Lora Shield card in charge of transmitting data to the server, providing the user with a platform for viewing and monitoring the values acquired through the implementation of these equipment’s.