Protección y conservación de territorios hídricos en la unión de comunidades indígenas y campesinas de Quichinche (Ucinqui)
Oyagata Gualsaqui, Luis Norberto
The present research work analyzed the work plotted and executed in afforestation and reforestation processes in the territories of the Quichinche Parish communities. Same that had the participation of 24 communities, from the high areas and to those located in the lower areas.
The first forest plantations took place with the Boards of drinking water of the Regionals of Panecillo, Regional Muenala (Yana Jaka), Cambugan, Guachinguero, Inguincho, Gualsaqui, la Banda, Perugachi, Moraspungo and Urku Siqui. This process took place due to the need expressed by the members and users of these drinking water systems to protect the water territories.
The UCINQUI has worked coordinating actions with the different institutions for the benefit of the communities especially in environmental conservation, the results of the activities have been favorable for the communities and the water boards. The work carried out by the communities has been taken into account as a contribution to environmental care in their water territories, the agreement made with the cement factory has been a fundamental pillar for the communities although the response given has not been sufficient to mitigate responsibly to environmental damage
The protection of the water territories occurred in coordination and signing of an agreement with other institutions and the activities they have developed together with the communities and the Water Boards. Other alternative forms of environmental care that benefit the water territories of the Quichinche parish should be sought