Sistematización de investigación sobre los efectos del trastorno por estrés post traumático que se presenta en madres de 20 a 40 años que fueron víctimas de maltrato infantil en el Centro Histórico de Quito, 2021.
Tituaña Ruilova, Nelson Andrés
The present research was developed with the objective of identifying the effects generated by post-traumatic stress disorder in women who were victims of child abuse and the implication it has on the role of mother. The methodology used is qualitative and the research tools are: psychological test, interview and literature review.
The results obtained in the research show that childhood abuse generates a very significant impact on a woman's life. For this reason, decades of psychological and emotional discomfort are dragged along, generating post-traumatic stress, which directly influences the upbringing of children.
One of the causes of post-traumatic stress disorder is associated with child abuse, which causes significant neuropsychological damage (reduction of the amygdala, poor interconnection of cerebral hemispheres, etc.). One of the effects of traumatic stress in a woman's life has to do with child rearing, which can be explained by the social structure and the patriarchal system.
In order to understand the origin and symptomatology of post-traumatic stress it is necessary to make an analysis based on neuropsychological aspects. While the effects of the disorder in terms of parenting should be understood from the social construction.