Estudio y simulación de una turbina hidrocinética para generar energía eléctrica en la universidad Politécnica Salesiana sede Guayaquil.
Pérez Pazmiño, Ángel Josué
The Guayas River is a natural source of water that can be harnessed to generate electricity by means of a hydrokinetic turbine without affecting the marine and geographical environment. The hydrokinetic turbine inside the river receives the flow of water where the propeller moves, converting the kinetic energy in mechanics; This movement increases along a gearbox so that, finally, it reaches a generator, which converts it into electricity.
All fluvial sources can be used as alternative energy sources such as the one presented in this project. To demonstrate the viability of the use of the Guayas River, a set of analyzes will be carried out to gather the feasibility results of the electric generation with the use of a hydrokinetic turbine.
For the development of the analysis has the application of a computer tool HEC-RAS, which is used to generate simulations and calculations of the flow of rivers and electrical uses.
It was possible to determine that the Guayas river speed in which we can evaluate its energy potential, this energy can be stored through the application of the control and storage system, it must have the information provided by the INOCAR and even so, it is necessary to modify the mobile element of said mechanism so that the electric generation has the expected values.