Ubicación de fallas en líneas de transmisión en sistemas de potencia desbalanceados mediante la transformada de wavelet
Morales Pérez, Carlos Kevin
The present research shows a
methodology for fault location in
transmission lines in unbalanced electrical
power systems through the wavelet
transform. The methodology was tested in
9 buses IEEE test system, it used the
ATPDraw software for generate the faults
and acquired the data for analyze in
Matlab, the data was measuring by PMU,
and the PMU optimal location was
deployment through GAMS. It was
proposed some studies cases consider
unbalanced loads, monophasic, biphasic
and triphasic faults in different distances.
The model used de voltage and current
phasors in each phase in pre-fault and fault
states, with this information the wavelet
transform analyze the changes and reveals
which element is in fault and the distance
where it was occurs whit low error
compared with original distance.