Diseño e implementación de un sistema de seguridad a través de cámaras, sensores y alarma, monitorizado y controlado telemétricamente para el centro de acogida "Patio mi Pana" pertenecimiente a la fundación proyecto salesiano.
Aviles Salazar, Augusto Daniel
Cobeña Mite, Karen
The following project was designed and implemented a security system to help staff that lives and works on the premises of the foundation of the Salesian project "Patio Mi Pana". The design involved the development of a system which consists teleseguridad joining two subsystems; system closed circuit television CCTV and alarm system, a process that began with the development of a physical connection diagram detailing the connection and operation of all equipment integrated security system, the next step was the simulation and programming of the electronic board of the control panel making use of software tools such as Proteus, Pic C, Pickit 2 among other programs, continued with the manufacture and deployment of the teams that make the printed card and testing telemetric and after that the installation and programming of IP surveillance cameras, sensors, alarms and other equipment, was performed to finally perform the necessary tests and verify proper operation of the safety system.
Thus a security system that provides a solution capable of executing the supervision of the shelter, allowing the staff there works and lives, have the necessary shelter and protection with the use of a complete system and technology delivered tip.