Análisis, diseño, construcción e implementación de un aplicativo móvil para administración y distribución de noticias para la editorial Don Bosco
Ceballos Anaguano, Edwin Norvey
Miño Mosquera, Francisco René
Due to the constant growth of information technology and communications in
Ecuador, especially for mobile devices; people have seen the need to find new ways
to communicate and be informed of products and services Editorial Don Bosco offers
a more agile and fast. The system proposed here is focused software to help meet that
need that people have as to be informed at any time through your mobile device in a
friendly manner. That is why this paper focuses on titration analysis (collection and
specification requirements), design (layout), construction (complete development of
the application and modules that compose it) and implementation (delivery of the
application to users via Internet) of an application for publishing news on devices
with Android mobile platform; is worth mentioning that through the informative
website of the publishing any information that will be presented as news on the
mobile device are given.
Additionally, this document will help those interested in creating mobile applications
for the Android platform as the basics for learning the platform is detailed.