Estudio, configuración y puesta en producción de un sistema gestor documental Alfresco basado en open source.
Villa Ortiz, Freddy Javier
Torres Camba, Belgica Graciela
The flow of information is one of the most important aspects of a company, maintain this flow in an organized manner is success in operations and in reducing time taken for different internal processes. Implementing a document management tool will achieve immediate access to information quickly and efficiently, reducing time and achieving greater efficiency perceived by the customer and improving the efficiency of workers in the company. The Alfresco software is presented as a solution to the excessive use of paper, the archived folders, to hiring outside companies storage and safekeeping of documents, from his own tool providing necessary to achieve a political "paperless" what to be achieved in the medium limit. Using this tool you could share documents with different areas of the company quickly generate a workflow with documents for approvals avoiding stagnation of the processes by firms run automated tasks with documents once they comply with parameters previously established.