Diseño de una red PON para la empresa Vallevisión en las zonas de Tambillo y Amaguaña
Pillajo Tipantuña, William Bernabe
Taipe Álvarez, Jonathan Vinicio
This degree work is about the design of a PON network to offer cable TV and Internet services. Due to the rise of new technology and the needs of users to have more bandwidth, it is necessary to update the network currently available by Vallevisión.
A comparison was made between EPON and GPON technology to perform the design, which is why GPON technology is chosen. The design was carried out in the QGIS software, through the software the elements to be used throughout the design are georeferenced and the OpenStreetMap map is worked on, in which the information of the existing homes in Tambillo and Amaguaña was collected.
Once each of the elements is georeferenced, the farthest user is obtained to perform the respective simulation and guarantee the design of the network. The simulation is carried out using the OptSim software where the BER vs Prx graph and the eye diagram were obtained, using the graphs the optimal performance of the designed network is verified.
An economic analysis is carried out to observe the feasibility of the implementation of the network both in the implementation expenses and in the profits generated, so it is established that the implementation of the network designs is suitable.