II Simposio sobre avances en la producción de semillas forestales en América Latina : memorias
Salazar, Rodolfo
Fig. Tab. The FAO/DANIDA Training Course on Forest Tree Improvement was held in Venezuela from 14 January to 2 February 1980. The Course was organized by the FAO Department of Forestry in collaboration with the Government of Venezuela, the University of the Andes, and the Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigación y Capacitación. The Course was financed with funds made available by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA). It was attended by 19 experts from 17 countries of Latin America: Argentina (1), Bolivia (1), Brazil (1), Chile (1), Colombia (1), Costa Rica (1), Cuba (1), Dominican Republlic (1), Ecuador (1), Guatemala (1), Honduras (1), Nicaragua (1), Panamá (1), Paraguay (1), Perú (1), Uruguay (1), and Venezuela (3). The Course consisted of two weeks of lectures and practical demonstrations in Mérida and one week study trip to the states of Barinas and Monagas in Western and Eastern Venezuela respectively. Lectures included the following topics: tree improvement in relation to national forest policy elements and principles of genetics conservation and rational use of forest genetic resources collection and handling of forest seeds storage, testing and certification of forest trees vegetative propagation methods controlled crossing systeMON and designs establisment and management of seed orchards proogeny trials genotype/environment interaction breeding for disease resistance, strategies for tree development programmes economic considerations of forest tree breeding programmes.