artículo científico
Carotenoids and carotenoid esters of orange- and yellow-fleshed mamey sapote ( Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) H.E. Moore & Stearn) fruit and their post-prandial absorption in humans
2017-04Registro en:
Chacón Ordóñez, Tania
Schweiggert, Ralf M.
Bosy Westphal, Anja
Jiménez García, Víctor
Carle, Reinhold
Esquivel Rodríguez, Patricia
Although different genotypes of mamey sapote with distinct pulp colors are consumed in countries from Central to South America, in-depth knowledge on genotype-related differences of their carotenoid profile is lacking. Since the fruit was found to contain the potentially vitamin A-active keto-carotenoids sapotexanthin and cryptocapsin, we sought to qualitatively and quantitatively describe the carotenoid profile of different genotypes by HPLC-DAD-MSn. Sapotexanthin and cryptocapsin were present in all genotypes. Keto-carotenoids such as cryptocapsin, capsoneoxanthin, and their esters were most abundant in orange-fleshed fruit, whereas several carotenoid epoxides prevailed in yellow-fleshed fruit. Differing carotenoid profiles were associated with different color hues of the fruit pulp, while the widely variable carotenoid content (3.7–8.0 mg/100 g FW) was mainly reflected by differences in color intensity (chroma C∗). Furthermore, the post-prandial absorption of sapotexanthin to human plasma was proven for the first time. Besides sapotexanthin, cryptocapsin was found to be resorbed.