Country reports on: Freedom of Expression | Gender Media Policy | Media Content | ICTs | Education | Digital Rights | Access to Information
Ordóñez Laclé, Camila
Peña Vargas, Vilma
Martínez Toledo, Yanet
In Costa Rica, the advancement of communication rights with a gender
perspective is a debt. Despite being a pioneer in the Central American region, the
Law on Criminalization of Violence against Women (2007) does not contemplate
symbolic violence or media violence, as if its counterparts do in Guatemala, El
Salvador, and Nicaragua (Ochoa, 2019).
Advances in the demand for communication rights with a gender perspective have
come hand in hand with civil society and the public university. Such as the
creation of the Observatory of Image of Women in Advertising (Center of
Research on Women's Studies) of University of Costa Rica. Regarding the
initiatives from civil society, GEMA, Gender and Media Regional Observatory have
the Costa Rican chapter of Project GMMP and the ACCEDER Association, the
organization that addresses representation media of them. The main goal of these
initiatives is to organize public opinion regarding media representation of women
and contribute to the articulation of citizen demands in the face of media