An optimized probe set for the detection of small Interchromosomal aberrations by use of 24- color FISH
Azofeifa Navas, Jorge
Fauth, Christine
Kraus, Jürgen
Maierhofer, Christine
Langer, Sabine
Bolzer, Andreas
Reichman, Jay
Schuffenhauer, Simone
Speicher, Michael R.
The rapid spread of the use of new 24-color karyotyping techniques has preceded their standardization. This is
best documented by the fact that the exact resolution limits have not yet been defined. Indeed, it is shown here
that a substantial proportion of interchromosomal aberrations will be missed by all multicolor karyotyping systems
currently in use. We demonstrate that both the sensitivity and the specificity of 24-color karyotyping critically
depend on the fluorochrome composition of chromosomes involved in an interchromosomal rearrangement. As a
solution, we introduce a conceptual change in probe labeling. Seven-fluorochrome sets that overcome many of the
current limitations are described, and examples of their applications are shown. The criteria presented here for an
optimized probe-set design and for the estimation of resolution limits should have important consequences for preand
postnatal diagnostics and for research applications.