artículo científico
Heterologous hyperimmune polyclonal antibodies against SARS-COV-2: A broad coverage, affordable, and scalable potential immunotherapy for Covid-19
2021-09Registro en:
Alape Girón, Alberto
Moreira Soto, Andrés
Arguedas Gómez, Mauricio
Brenes Porras, Hebleen
Buján Boza, Willem Aart
Corrales Aguilar, Eugenia
Díaz Oreiro, Cecilia
Echeverri McCandless, Ann
Flores Díaz, Marietta
Gómez Argüello, Aarón
Hernández Bolaños, Andrés
Herrera Vega, María
León Montero, Guillermo
Macaya Hayes, Román
Molina Mora, José Arturo
Mora Rodríguez, Javier Francisco
Narayanan, Aarthi
Sanabria Castro, Alfredo
Sánchez Brenes, Andrés
Sánchez Céspedes, Laura Vanessa
Segura Ruiz, Álvaro
Segura Agüero, Eduardo
Solano Centeno, Daniela
Soto Garita, Claudio
Stynoski, Jennifer Lynn
Vargas Arroyo, Mariángela
Villalta Arrieta, Mauren
Drexler, Jan Felix
Gutiérrez, José María
The emergence and dissemination of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2) and the resulting COVID-19 pandemic triggered a global public health crisis.
Although several SARS-CoV-2 vaccines have been developed, demand far exceeds supply, access
to them is inequitable, and thus, populations in low- and middle-income countries are unlikely to
be protected soon (1). Furthermore, there are no specific therapies available, which is a challenge
for COVID-19 patient care (2). Thus, the appearance of SARS-CoV-2 variants and reports of
reinfections associated with immune escape (3, 4) highlight the urgent need for effective and broad
coverage COVID-19 therapeutics.
Intravenous administration of human or heterologous antibodies is a therapy successfully used
in patients with viral respiratory diseases (5). Accordingly, formulations containing SARS-CoV-2
specific antibodies are an attractive therapeutic option for COVID-19 patients (6). SARS-CoV-2
specific antibodies could limit infection by direct virion neutralization and/or by targeting infected
cells for elimination via complement or antibody-mediated cytotoxicity (6).
Specific SARS-CoV-2 antibody-based therapeutics include convalescent plasma (CP),
monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), human polyclonal IgG formulations purified from CP or
transgenic animals, and heterologous hyperimmune polyclonal antibodies (pAbs) (6). Although
the window for using antibody-based therapeutics varies, clinical data show that they are mainly
effective if administered early after symptoms onset (6).