capítulo de libro
As seen from national levels: Developing world
Mata Jiménez, Leonardo
Mohs Villalta, Edgar
The grim.realities involved with the solution of such world problems as
.' food, energy and pollution make it difficult to address such issues with
'vhptimism (Meadows et al. 1972; Mesarovic and Peste! 1974). On the other
hand, these challenges to man's survival stimulate the search for explanations.
causes and corrective strategies.
The evolution of nutritional concepts over the past twenty years demonstates
that well-established principles have broken down while unorthodox
ideas have been embraced with almost religious fervor. Until recently.
malnutrition was thought to be caused solely by a lack of food; to cure it,
one merely provided additional foodstuffs. In the past, the emphasis was
on protein, with little regard for calories. It was also believed that some
kind of development was needed to improve the quality of life; more often
than not, this meant industrialization.
We now know that culture plays a decisive role in the appearance of
malnutrition, whatever the society. We shall attempt to describe the cultural
and biological changes which have affected health and nutrition,
using concepts and examples which can be applied to the inhabitants of the
Americas (particularly those living in tropical and subtropical regions). Our
emphasis will be on the evolution of our own country, Costa Rica.