Macromodel Extraction for Drivers in High-Speed Communications Channels
Cedeño-Chaves, Jonathan
This thesis describes the process performed for extracting a descriptive macromodel
for a generic transmitter block at IC level for high-speed channels applications. The
work has been focused on a first approach to establish at methodology to extract a
macromodel considering both the signal and power domains.
Macromodels are required to perform accurate and numerically efficient simulations,
in order to verify and validate behavior performances of communication links without
having to consider the full driver model and potential IP sensitive information related
to it.
In this work, different approaches for macromodeling generation are reviewed and a
methodology based on the IBIS specification is explored. A driver specific topology
had been chosen in order to exercise the methodology for macromodel generation.
An important feature of the methodology is the possibility to include the effects
concerning signal integrity and power integrity simultaneously, which was carried out
by including controlled sources on the output of the driver.