Utilización de derivados financieros tipo swap en el mercado costarricense, por medio de un estudio de caso del Banco Nacional de Costa Rica
Alfaro-Barrantes, Sergio
Barboza-Pérez, Esteban
Cordoba-Sánchez, Ruth
Fernández-Marín, Andrea
Ruiz-Navarro, Marlon
Sánchez-Chinchilla, Fiorella
At the beginning of 2014 Costa Rica exchange rate experienced an unexpected increase. The stakeholders, concerned about this situation, decided to find out other ways to protect their investments from the irregular Colonʼs behavior.
This investigation purpose studies the financial derivatives as a protection tool against the speculation risk and the exchange rate fluctuations. The current documentʼs methodology used the qualitative method as a way to gather the information from different participants in the Costa Rican financial market and the existing countryʼs legislation.
This research concludes that in Costa Rica the usage of the financial derivatives is in progress and it hasnʼt reached the popularity wished by the Banks. The deficient legislation and the por informative campaigns are some of the barriers that explain why swaps havenʼt been successful in the Costa Rican market.