Recuperación de espacio público subutilizado en Turrialba en el eje ferroviario central.
Rodríguez-Acuña, Aurelia
Turrialba is a canton that has been affected by circumstances that triggered a series of problems. The deviation of vehicular flows and the ceasing of the rail service where the main reasons that it began to perceive disadvantages in the economical, social and cultural development of the city and growth of the population.
The suspension of the railroad service translated in the abandonment of the infrastructure in the middle of the center, causing the vandalization of these and increasing the insecurity in the area.The municipal administrations have not been concerned to about addressing the problem nor by providing more public spaces in the center for the enjoyment of the population, improving their quality of life.
The proposal aims to attack these problems and meet the needs by basing in three objectives developed over 5 chapters, starting with the introductory aspects and the theoretical basis, followed by an analysis of the site to understand the current situation of the place.
In the third chapter there is a study of the users, the needs, feasibility, and intentions to carry the proposal of the urban design.
For the fourth chapter the design and management is carried out, closing the final chapter of conclusions and recommendations of the final result of the project and future lines of work.