Propuesta de alternativas de control de las condiciones ergonómicas y de iluminación para los puestos de trabajo de Grupo Trisan
González-Córdoba, Ana Cristina
This project was developed in Grupo Trisan, a company dedicated to the storage and dispatch of chemical, veterinary, agricultural and food products, where tasks are carried out that involve lifting loads, repetitive movements and the use of data visualization screens.
The research was carried out due to the need to reduce the disabilities caused by visual and muscle disorders presented in 2017. The main objective is to develop control alternatives to improve ergonomic and lighting conditions.
Three ergonomic methods, REBA, JSI and an OSHA-based checklist were used for the data collection, as well as the lighting level data were collected using the methodology based on INTE 31-08-06-14, which gave as result that the lighting levels of Grupo Trisan are deficient, since it was determined that 87% of the offices evaluated had lighting levels below 500 lux, minimum value established in force national regulation INTE / ISO 8995-1: 2016.
On the other hand, 98% of the points evaluated in the livestock science warehouse were below 300 lux, in breach of the aforementioned regulations. With respect to the positions evaluated using the REBA method in the workers of the warehouses, a high or very high associated risk was obtained, which can generate musculoskeletal disorders in the medium and long term. Based on what is found in the analysis of the current situation, it is recommended to develop a program that includes a section for improving the lighting conditions and ergonomics of the workstations