Diseño y Validación de Antenas Flexibles en la Banda de 4G/LTE para Sistemas de Radio Comunicación Móvil con Geometría Esférica
Coto-Salazar, Rolando
The present work shows the process of study, design, and implementation of multi-band
exible antennas for 4G/LTE applications. These antennas must be able to adjust physically
to the dimensions of spheric geometry and operate in the cellular telephone bands of service
operators in the United States. Antenna simulation models are analyzed based on microwave
parameters on
at surfaces and under deformation in the vicinity of the device. The tests
of physical antennas are carried out in terms of return loss measurements (jS11j) to validate
the methodology and the simulations results. Two designs are nally proposed, which are
successfully implemented, based on triangle shape antennas and cavity PIFA.