dc.contributorFERNANDES, Caio Pinho
dc.contributorKELMANN, Regina Gendzelevski
dc.creatorSILVA, Jéssica Alves da
dc.identifierSILVA, Jéssica Alves da. Desenvolvimento de nanodispersões à base de folhas de pariri (Fridericia chica (Bonpl.) L. G. Lohmann). Orientador: Caio Pinho Fernandes; Coorientadora: Regina Gendzelevski Kelmann. 2017. 47 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biodiversidade Tropical) – Departamento de Pós-Graduação, Universidade Federal do Amapá, Macapá, 2017. Disponível em: http://repositorio.unifap.br:80/jspui/handle/123456789/498. Acesso em:.
dc.description.abstractSeveral botanical species have potential to development of innovative products, such Fridericia chica (Bonpl.) L. G. Lohmann, which is widely used on folk medicine, such as anemia, infections and ulcers. Nanodispersions that contain natural products from plants are an emerging strategy for exploitation of natural raw materials. However, technological challenges must be solved. Among them, we can include the utilization of organic solvents that are responsible by human health and envinronment problems. Thus, a removing step should be required, increasing the costs of the process. The aim of the presente study was to develop a simple and rapid method for obtainment of nanodispersions containing leaves of Fridericia chica, without utilization of organic solvente and by a low energy method. It was evaluated influence of diferente ratios of a pair of non-ionic surfactants. Evaluation of nanodispersion dilution with diferente aqueous media was also performed. The formulations were characterized according to particle size, polydispersity index, zeta potential and absorption on UV-VIS. Inhibition assay on some Candida species was also performed. The results showed that the method was able to generate formulations with particle size between 120 – 300 nm, polydispersity index between 0.150 – 0.500, zeta potential between -16 – (- 34) mV and the dilution maintainde the desirable characteristics. The optimized nanodispersion (prepared with aqueous solution of surfactants at HLB value of 8) inhibited C. albicans and C. glabrata growth, but did not significantly inhibit the growth of C. tropicalis. Therefore, our results suggest that it is possible to obtain bioactives nanodispersions during the extraction based on secondary metabolites from plant origin
dc.publisherUniversidade Federal do Amapá
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
dc.source1 CD-ROM
dc.subjectArrabidaea chica
dc.subjectAtividade antifúngica
dc.subjectMétodo sem solvente orgânico
dc.subjectSistemas nanoestruturados
dc.titleDesenvolvimento de nanodispersões à base de folhas de pariri (Fridericia chica (Bonpl.) L. G. Lohmann)

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