dc.contributorSILVA, Raullyan Borja Lima e
dc.contributorCANTUÁRIA, Patrick de Castro
dc.creatorSANTOS, Sancler Eugênio Souza
dc.identifierSANTOS, Sancler Eugênio Souza. Diagnóstico dos crimes ambientais no Estado do Amapá. Orientador: Raullyan Borja Lima e Silva; Coorientador: Patrick de Castro Cantuária. 2018. 141 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Regional) – Departamento de Pós-Graduação, Universidade Federal do Amapá, Macapá, 2018. Disponível em: http://repositorio.unifap.br:80/jspui/handle/123456789/315. Acesso em:.
dc.description.abstractThe State of Amapá is rich in biodiversity, and there is a high incidence of environmental crimes against this wealth, it is believed; In this context, the prevention of such crimes is essential for the maintenance of the quality of life of all beings, and the present research had the theme of public segurity in the context of regional development and sustainability, through the study of the main environmental crimes occurred in the State of Amapá registered by the Environmental Battalion of the Military Police of Amapá (EB), through its Environmental Infringement Autos (EIA) and Bulletins of Occurrences (BO), to create a criminological map that did not exist until then. Such a map could support actions to plan for the prevention and repression of environmental crimes, as well as environmental education, especially by the state's environmental police agencies, such as the BA and the Specialized Crime Prevention Office, and licensing and enforcement agencies such as the Institute of Environment and Spatial Planning of State of Amapá and Municipal Secretariats of Environment. The necessity for a criminal map containing exclusively data on environmental violence is due to the fact that the EB, one of the main organs that hold the power of environmental police of the public administration, to act in the front line of the prevention and repression of environmental crimes, performs its actions in a random and reactive manner, usually based on denunciations of the population, not efficiently exercising neither the repression nor the prevention of such crimes, for lacking information that allows a strategic planning that results in efficient actions to combat environmental violence. And as a result of the present research, it was verified that the most prevalent crimes in the State of Amapá during the period studied were those of sound pollution (37.89%), followed by crimes against flora (25.45%), crimes against fauna (17.46%) and crimes of potentially polluting activity (15.45%), mostly committed by individuals (90%) male (89.78%), most frequently between September and January. It is concluded that this scenario can offer real subsidies for the organs related to the theme with a broader overview, as well as to plan more effective actions of inspection and education; however, there is a need to expand information through interaction (municipal, state and federal), and to update environmental norms, so that these are taken into account as cultural, social and economic peculiarities of the State, without, however, , to lose its conservationist character
dc.publisherUNIFAP - Universidade Federal do Amapá
dc.rightsAcesso Aberto
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States
dc.source1 CD-ROM
dc.subjectCrime ambiental - Amapá
dc.subjectSegurança pública
dc.subjectDesenvolvimento sustentável
dc.subjectDireito ambiental
dc.titleDiagnóstico dos crimes ambientais no Estado do Amapá

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