dc.description.abstract | How public policies were formulated in the old Chilean democracy? Olavarría (2016) has shown that the policy
formulation process (PFP) in the new Chilean democracy is technocratic and elitist, depicting what Ross, Cobb
and Cobb (1976) have characterized as the “inside access model”. Was the PFP of the old Chilean democracy
different than that of the new democracy? The paper analyzes the formulation of the modernization policy of
public management of 1920s, the process that led the creation of the National Health Service in the late 1940s
and early 1950s. The analysis focuses on the role of the President, the cabinet, political institutions and civil
The old democracy refers to the period ending with the coup dètat that overthrown President Allende in
September 11, 1973 and the expression new democracy refers to the period starting in March 11, 1990, when the
dictatorship of General Pinochet ended and the democratically elected President Aylwin took power. During the
17-years of authoritarian regime of General Pinochet, deep institutional reforms were undertaken in Chile.
Information comes from historical sources, official documents, press clipping and academic literature.
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