dc.contributorGonzález-Rojas, Felipe Alberto
dc.contributorUniversidad Diego Portales
dc.description.abstractIn the following investigation, we studied the behavior of Transantiago’s bus non fare evaders users, in order to find those variables that better capture the non-evaders user behavior in comparison to the evader, and identify non-evaders passenger profiles. To carry out the analysis, the data obtained from a previously designed survey was used as an information source, which was applied to the users on board the buses during the month of July 2017, resulting in a sample size of 503 interviewees. The survey was presented as a work of the university, about the perception of the quality of the buses of the Transantiago, but included questions on several aspects of fare evasion behavior. By means of a factorial analysis we found six dimensions that explain the motivation of users to pay the fare: (1) behavior and social norms, (2) image of transport service, (3) acceptance, (4) planning, anti-evasive measures and (6) fear of control. The factorial model showed that behavior and social norms captured the highest percentage of data variability and that values, social, ideological and legal/illicit effects were key explanatory factors for non-evasion. A descriptive analysis with the socio-demographic characteristics and characteristics of the trip, and a hierarchical and non-hierarchical cluster analysis using a series of categorical variables, were obtained three groups of non-evaders: (1) tendency to evader, (2) discontent-compliant and (3) convinced. The non-evaders with tendency to evader were the smallest group and presented characteristics that lead to non-payment. On the contrary, discontent-compliant evaders were the most frequent, were not satisfied with the transport service, however they respect the rules and consider them at the time of payment. Clusters did not present significant differences in their socio-demographic characteristics. Finally, we identify the variables that influence the perception of measures against fare evasion.
dc.relationinstname: ANID
dc.relationreponame: Repositorio Digital RI2.0
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Chile
dc.titleEstudio De La Evasión En El Transantiago, Enfocado En El Comportamiento De Los No Evasores
dc.typeTesis Pre-grado

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