Control de procesos termodinámicos irreversibles utilizando sistemas puerto-Hamiltonianos definidos en estructuras de pseudo Poisson y de contacto control of irreversible thermodynamic processes using port-Hamiltonian systems defined on pseudo Poisson and contact structures.
Ramírez Estay, Héctor Miguel
This doctoral thesis presents results on the use of port Hamiltonian systems (PHS) and controlled
contact systems for modelling and control of irreversible thermodynamic processes. Firstly, Irreversible PHS (IPHS) has been defined as a class of pseudo-port Hamiltonian system that
expresses the first and second principle of Thermodynamics and encompasses models of heat exchangers and chemical reactors. These IPHS have been lifted to the complete Thermodynamic
Phase Space endowed with a natural contact structure, thereby defining a class of controlled
contact systems, i.e. nonlinear control systems defined by strict contact vector fields. Secondly,
it has been shown that only a constant control preserves the canonical contact structure, hence
a structure preserving feedback necessarily shapes the closed-loop contact form. The conditions
for state feedbacks shaping the contact form have been characterized and have lead to the definition of input-output contact systems. Thirdly, it has been shown that strict contact vector fields are in general unstable at their zeros, hence the condition for the the stability in closed-loop has been characterized as stabilization on some closed-loop invariant Legendre submanifolds.